What is the active ingredient in Shatter™ termite bait that controls termites?
The active ingredient is hexaflumuron, an insect growth regulator that stops the termites’ vital molting process so they are unable to grow. As a result, they die. Hexaflumuron has demonstrated more than 20 years of in-field success killing, controlling and eliminating termites.
Why not just put Shatter termite bait in all the Hex-Pro® termite stations right away?
Shatter termite bait can be placed in auxiliary Hex-Pro termite stations right away in areas where termite activity is suspected. Elsewhere, establishing feeding in the Hex-Pro termite station first is important because termite foraging can be unpredictable. Baiting all Hex-Pro termite stations offers no advantage in termite control.
How long does it take to control the termites?
Once the Hex-Pro system is installed, it can take from a few weeks to a few months for termites to enter the Hex-Pro termite stations, depending on time of year, geography, termite pressure and termite species. Once the termites enter the bait cartridges and begin feeding on Shatter termite bait, the process of termite control can begin. Colonies may begin to decline as quickly as four weeks after feeding on Shatter termite bait. It is important to remember that the termites’ natural behavior, upon which the Hex-Pro system depends, does vary with the factors mentioned above, so the time and effort needed to achieve control can vary as well.
Is the Hex-Pro® system effective against all types of termites?
Shatter™ termite bait used in the Hex-Pro system is effective against all economically important subterranean (not drywood or dampwood) termite species in the continental United States and Hawaii. It does the job in varying soil, climate and geographic conditions.
What if a house is already infested with subterranean termites?
The Hex-Pro system will be installed to control the current termite infestation and the long-term threat. If the infestation is serious, the pest management professional may use an additional termite treatment for immediate, localized control.
Why don’t the termites just go between the Hex-Pro termite stations to reach the house?
Termites continuously search for new feeding sites, even though they may have already located an abundant food source. Termites also feed randomly among available food sites within their foraging area. Therefore, if termites are foraging on a property, they should find and attack the wood monitors in one or more of the Hex-Pro termite stations.
What if the termite colony is right beneath the house?
Termites can travel more than 100 yards in search of food. Termites forage in an approach like tree branches, radiating out from the colony nest. Hex-Pro termite stations are an easy target for foraging termites, because they are in the soil where subterranean termites live and forage.
When the termites are controlled, will the Hex-Pro termite stations be removed?
Once the current termite threat has been controlled by Shatter termite bait, another termite colony could invade the property. To keep the property protected, the Hex-Pro termite stations are left in the ground and the pest management professional will continue to monitor them for as long as the service agreement continues.