All plants have an ideal pH range in which they thrive, enabling your customers to reach maximum yield potential. But when soil pH is out of the desired plant range, your customers may notice a myriad of yield-limiting factors — including drought stress, nitrogen deficiency and even reduced herbicide efficacy.
“Nutrient levels in the soil may be sufficient for crop growth, but soil pH levels outside the optimal range may reduce the availability of certain nutrients, ultimately reducing crop growth and yield,” says Steve Cromley, retail product agronomist, Brevant® seeds.
Cromley says that the ideal pH range for corn and soybeans is around 6.0-7.0. This is the range in which most essential nutrients are available and microbial activity is sufficient for crop production.
“Our goal is to maintain soil pH levels within the optimal range if economically feasible or manage inputs to reduce plant stress if optimal levels are not attainable,” Cromley says.
Here are four ways to help your customers better manage soil pH levels:
“Volatilization losses of surface-applied ammonia and ammonium-based nitrogen fertilizers such as urea and UAN can increase as soil pH levels increase and conditions are favorable for volatilization,” Cromley says. “The use of a urease inhibitor such as PinnitMax TG can reduce volatilization losses.”
PinnitMax® TG nitrogen stabilizer works above ground to help applied nitrogen get to the root zone.
“Denitrification rates of nitrogen can also be higher in alkaline soils compared to acidic soils,” Cromley says. The use of N-Serve® or Instinct NXTGEN® nitrogen stabilizers help retain nitrogen in the soil longer so it’s available when crops need it for maximum growth.
“The goal of improving soil health is to enrich the environment in which the crops are growing while reducing soil loss and degradation,” Cromley says. Learn more about the solutions available to improve nutrient availability throughout the growing season by visiting
Atrazine is a Restricted Use Pesticide. Instinct NXTGEN® and PinnitMax® TG are not registered for sale or use in all states. Contact your state pesticide regulatory agency to determine if a product is registered for sale or use in your state. Do not fall-apply anhydrous ammonia south of Highway 16 in the state of Illinois. Always read and follow label directions.