Farmers have the greatest opportunity for success when they take time to plan which fields will feature certain herbicide technologies. For instance, they won’t want to plant dicamba-tolerant crops with susceptible soybeans downwind. Retailers can set their customers up to succeed by helping them position crops with compatible and susceptible crops in mind.
Crop placement can make a significant impact on a farmer’s success with herbicide trait technologies. Sound field planning is just good common sense. It’s being aware of your surroundings and knowing where neighbors’ fields are and what crops they’re planting.
A key difference between the Enlist system and the dicamba-tolerant system is that soybeans are compatible with Enlist herbicides. Farmers can make their applications even when soybeans are downwind. Farmers have more options with Enlist E3 soybeans than with dicamba-tolerant soybeans.
Learn more about the Enlist weed control system, including compatible and susceptible crops. Enlist Ahead resources are helpful for farmers who want to know more. And follow us on Twitter at @EnlistOnline.