Attacking Palmer Amaranth in a No-Till Situation

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Some soybean farmers are encountering Palmer amaranth for the first time. The best plan of attack is to use herbicides with multiple modes of action against Palmer amaranth because you do not want to let the seedbank grow and spread into your field. 

It is important to start with a weed-free field. Here are two methods to combat Palmer amaranth in no-till fields: 

  1. We recommend starting strong with an effective burndown to control winter annual and early season annual weeds, even though Palmer amaranth is not an early season annual. As an annual broadleaf, Palmer amaranth is commonly observed late spring through fall and continues to emerge throughout the growing season.  
  2. Before planting or immediately following it, apply a preemergence herbicide, such as Sonic® herbicide or Surveil® herbicide, at the full labeled rate based on soil texture and organic matter.  

Especially in Michigan where burndown applications happen close to planting, it is best to mix Sonic or Surveil with a burndown herbicide, such as Elevore® herbicide, to optimize residual control. We also recommend being prepared to spray a PPO herbicide in case Palmer amaranth plants manage to emerge.    

Elevore® and Sonic® and Surveil® are not registered for sale or use in all states. Contact your state pesticide regulatory agency to determine if a product is registered for sale or use in your state. Always read and follow label directions. 


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