
Rule of Thumb: Control Weeds Early in Rice

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Ross Wood

Ross Wood of Stratton Seed uses a “rule of thumb” for early control of weeds in rice.

The adage “the early bird gets the worm” is especially true when it comes to getting on top of weed control in rice fields. For Ross Wood, retail operations manager for Stratton Seed, that “early bird” comes earlier and earlier each year.

Wood, now working his 23rd crop as a scout, says the window to effectively control weeds in rice fields continues to get tighter and tighter as weeds get harder to tackle.

“My rule of thumb that I share with growers is just that — a thumbnail,” Wood said. “Growers need to start plans to kill weeds when they are thumbnail size. If you wait much longer than that, they get harder to control and more costly.”

Wood points to Clincher® SF herbicide as being key to early postemergence control of ALS-, propanil- and quinclorac-resistant barnyardgrass. An advantage of the herbicide is the ability to be tank-mixed with residual herbicides for early weed control, and it eliminates rotational restrictions.

“You have to stay on top of grass and treat it early,” Wood said. “Clincher SF early is a go to.”

In addition to Clincher SF, RebelEX® herbicide is an option for broad-spectrum control postflood. RebelEX consists of dual modes of action to provide consistent control of troublesome weeds like sprangletop, barnyardgrass, broadleaf weeds and aquatics. It has a broader spectrum of weed control while fitting all rice cropping systems. RebelEX can be used up to 60 days preharvest and will not injure rice when used as labeled. The two modes of action also improve resistance management.

To help give your rice fields a head start, visit Corteva.us/Rice


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